I want our classroom to be an ideal learning environment and expect several things from you in order to achieve that goal. First of all, learning should be a comfortable process. I am open to holding class in innovative ways that will be beneficial to the learning environment. Be innovative, be creative, be engaged. How can learning best happen for you? Give me feedback and suggestions. I enjoy thinking in new ways.
Second, mutual learning requires mutual respect. Respecting each other means appropriate words, a lack of derision, but it also means pushing each other to think harder. You can and should question the things that are said in class; but questioning is a big responsibility. You should work to make sure that your questions and input always build up the other people in the class. Our dialogue must proceed with a great optimism about what each of us are going to become.
Attendance and participation are vital for success in this class. Your presence in class is only the first step, though. In order to make the most of this class, you also need to come to class having read the assigned reading. You also need to engage in the in-class exercises and discussions in a way that helps everyone understand better. More than three missed classes will result in a letter grade reduction in your final grade. These three missed classes are to be used for excusable absences, not simply vacation days. If you know about any absence in advance you should let me know and (if applicable) your group. If you fail to participate in the class discussions or activities throughout the semester, your final grade will be reduced by one letter grade.
If you must miss class, you need to let me know before you miss the class. Generally there are no make-up speeches or make-up exams. Late assignments will be penalized one letter grade for every day late. If you are turning an assignment in late, you must let me know when the assignment is due, otherwise I will not accept it. Assignments are due in class on their due date, and if they are turned in after class (but before the end of the day) the grade will be reduced by a third of a letter-grade. If you are absent on the day you are scheduled to give a speech, you may not make-up the speech.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any form of plagiarism, cheating or unethical “sharing” will be dealt with according to the student handbook, and will be reported to the academic Dean.
You will be required to have email and use the internet on a regular basis for this course. If this presents any difficulty for you, you should speak to me immediately.