Communication Models
- Distinguish between the models of communication from the chapter and lecture.
- Be able to apply the elements of the Coordinated Management of Meaning model to multiple different communicative contexts.
- Speech Act
- Episode
- Identity
- Relationship
- Culture
Public Communication
- Be able to distinguish between the five Roman Canons of Rhetoric (from the course blog)
- Explain the three types of proof that Aristotle said all persuaders use.
- Know the two dimensions of credibility (and the third that he didn't include)
- What was Aristotle’s three step process for evoking an emotion in an audience?
- What did Aristotle think the best kind of proof was? Why?
- Know and be able to identify and apply Monroe's Motivated Sequence. Know the particulars of each step.
Speech Delivery
Be able to define and distinguish between
Eye Contact (sustained / distributed)
Facial Expressiveness
Be able to identify the following nonverbal behaviors in case studies of human behavior:
kinesics, haptics, physical appearance, olfactics, artifacts, proxemics, environmental factors, chronemics, paralanguage, and silence.
Be able to identify the ways that particular nonverbal behaviors regulate interaction, establish relationship-level meanings and reflect cultural values.
Be able to link these to the examples from class.
Oral History
Know the history of oral communication that we talked about in class.
Be able to identify the ways that oral histories differ from other forms of history.
Be able to identify all the steps in the process of listening according to the chapter
Be able to identify all the barriers to listening
Be able to correctly order the empathic and critical listening process.